A group of parents of young children, members of the faith and business communities, local philanthropic organizations, community leaders, educators and leaders of the local public agencies that provide the majority of early childhood services in the community. All members are representatives of Chippewa, Luce, and Mackinac counties.
- Bay Mills Community
- Community Action Head Start/Early Head Start
- Central Savings Bank
- Chippewa County Health Department
- Department of Human Services
- Early On
- EUP Intermediate School District
- Great Parents, Great Start
- Great Start Readiness Preschool Programs
- Hiawatha Behavioral Health
- Immanuel Lutheran Church
- Inter-Tribal Council
- Little Monkey’s Child Care
- Lake Superior State University
- LMAS Health Department
- Mackinac County Prosecutor
- Michigan Works!
- MSU-Extension
- Northeast Great Start to Quality
- Mackinac Straits Hospital
- Sault Tribe Head Start/Early Head Start
- Sault Chamber of Commerce
- Sault Tribe Community Health
- St.Ignace Chamber of Commerce
- United Way
To help drive our work, we seek parental input. Parents of young children are the consumers of early childhood services. At least 20%of our Collaborative is comprised of parent members. To help support parent leadership locally, we have the Great Start Parent Coalition.
We know that 85% of the human brain is developed by the age of 5. That time is precious and deserves the best support to ensure quality brain development which will lead to a more prosperous student, community member, and a late member of the workforce.
Every three years we devise a comprehensive road map that will support our young citizens in regards to quality early education/child care, social/emotional health, pediatric/health care, family support, and parent leadership. Currently, we are focusing on the following initiatives:
-Social- Emotional Health
-Joint recruitment/enrollment for preschools
-Preschool Scholarship
-Family Engagement
- Talk is Teaching
- Storywalks
- Baby Passport: Prenatal, Birth and Postnatal
-Become a member of the Great Start Family Coalition
-Volunteer at upcoming Great Start Collaborative & Family Coalition Events
-Sign up to receive our free monthly family calendar and bi-monthly newsletter
-Follow us on Facebook – EUPISD Early Childhood
The EUP Great Start Collaborative is funded by a grant through the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential.